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Insightful article. I'm really excited about AI's potential to transform learning and education. But we can't gloss over the data access issue. Schools and edtech companies need enough student data to make AI work its magic - tailoring learning to each kid's strengths and needs. But we have to get the privacy questions right.

It's a delicate balancing act. How can schools and companies incentivize families to share student data, while ensuring it's used ethically and responsibly? Apple's approach with health data could be a good model - transparent rules and real benefits.

And we need to keep asking the hard questions as we deploy these systems. Is the data being used strictly to improve each student's educational experience? Or could it be misused for profit or questionable surveillance? There are no easy answers, but this has to be an ongoing dialogue. I attempted to provide some helpful tips in this post: https://open.substack.com/pub/thevaluejunction/p/ai-in-education-what-educational?r=2knor6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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